Quiz: Star Wars

This quiz was played on Friday, 1st May, 2020.

The high and low scores were 46 and 12 out of a possible 48 points.

Round One – General Knowledge

1. Which Star Wars film attracted a crowdfund of over $400 million from disgruntled fans who wanted the studio to remake it? 
2. How many Star Wars feature films were directed by George Lucas? 
3. Which is the only Star Wars film in which the phrase “I have a bad feeling about this” or “I have a very bad feeling about this” is not uttered? 
4. Which 90s boyband had a cameo (which was unfortunately cut) in Attack of the Clones? 
5. Name all the actors and voice actors who have played the same roles across all 3 trilogies. (1 point per actor)

Round Two – Original Trilogy

6. Who is the first named character – or characters – to appear onscreen in Star Wars: A New Hope? (One point per character)
7. What is the last audible line of spoken dialogue in Return of the Jedi? 
8. Later referenced on the animated sitcom ’Family Guy’, what was the original working title used to deter snoopers during filming of Return of The Jedi?
9. Aside from Luke, who is the only named X Wing pilot to survive all three of the original movies? 
10. In which of the original trilogy is the name Anakin Skywalker first spoken aloud? 

Round Three – Numbers

11. How many of the 11 Live Action Star Wars Movies have R2-D2 and C-3PO appeared in? 
12. In 2012, how much did Disney buy Lucas Film for to the nearest $500m? 
13. What year did A New Hope premier in theatres? 
14. What is the unit number of one of the stormtroopers that Luke and Han steal the uniform from in A New Hope? Hint: It is a reference to another George Lucas film. 
15. How many limbs has Obi-Wan Kenobi severed in the movies? (Darth Maul counts as 2) 

Round Four – Prequel Trilogy

16. In Episode I The Phantom Menace who is Anakin’s Pod-Racing rival?
17. In Episode III Revenge of the Sith there were two concurrent lightsaber duels. One between Yoda & Palpatine and one between Obi Wan & who? 
18. What was Anakin’s mother’s name? 
19. How many suits of clone trooper armour were made for episode 2 to the nearest 10? 
20. In the opera scene in Revenge of the Sith, Emperor Palpatine tells a story about who? 

Round Five – Actors

21. The late, great Carrie Fisher was briefly married to which chart-topping singer-songwriter in the 80s?
22. To date, only one actor has been Oscar Nominated for their performance in a Star Wars movie. Who was it? 
23. In addition to playing Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill is has also found long-running success as the voice of which iconic comic book character? 
24. James Earl Jones is known to Star Wars fans for playing the voice of Darth Vader. Which other famous cinematic father figure did he provide the voice for? 
25. In which 1997 action movie did Harrison Ford memorably play the President of the United States?

Round Six – Sequel Trilogy

26. What dead character tells Rey, during her vision in the Force Awakens, that these are her “first steps”? 
27. What is the first line in the sequel trilogy? Bonus point for who said it. 
28. Which film in the sequel trilogy has the worst score on Rotten Tomatoes? 
29. During the filming of The Force Awakens, Harrison Ford broke his ankle doing what? 
30. The island of Ahch-To harboured Luke Skywalker as he hid from the rest of the galaxy. Which country is the island this was shot?

Round Seven – Spinoffs

31. Which TV and stage actress played the singing landlady of the Mos Eisley Cantina in the Star Wars Holiday Special? 
32. Caravan of Courage was the first of two TV movies focusing on the adventures of which Star Wars side characters? 
33. The animated feature ’The Clone Wars’ takes place in the period between which two live action Star Wars movies? (2 points available) 
34. Baby Yoda (or the child) shows us a new thing that the force can do which appears in later movies. What is it? 
35. What do Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and Agents of SHIELD all have in common with a Star Wars spinoff? 

Round Eight – Quotes

36. “It’s A Trap!”
37. “Many Bothans died to bring us this information…” 
38. “I can take you in warm, or I can take you in cold.” 
39. “I don’t like _______. It’s course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere”
40. “Luke, I Am Your Father”

Are you sure? The answers to ALL questions will be displayed below.

Round One – General Knowledge

1. Which Star Wars film attracted a crowdfund of over $400 million from disgruntled fans who wanted the studio to remake it? (The Last Jedi)
2. How many Star Wars feature films were directed by George Lucas? (4)
3. Which is the only Star Wars film in which the phrase “I have a bad feeling about this” or “I have a very bad feeling about this” is not uttered? (Solo: A Star Wars Story)
4. Which 90s boyband had a cameo (which was unfortunately cut) in Attack of the Clones? (N-Sync)
5. Name all the actors and voice actors who have played the same roles across all 3 trilogies. (1 point per actor) (Frank Oz (Yoda), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), James Earl Jones (Darth Vader), Peter Mayhew (Chewy) (6 points total)

Round Two – Original Trilogy

6. Who is the first named character – or characters – to appear onscreen in Star Wars: A New Hope? (One point per character) (C3P0 & R2-D2)
7. What is the last audible line of spoken dialogue in Return of the Jedi? (”He’s my brother”)
8. Later referenced on the animated sitcom ’Family Guy’, what was the original working title used to deter snoopers during filming of Return of The Jedi? (”Blue Harvest”)
9. Aside from Luke, who is the only named X Wing pilot to survive all three of the original movies? (Wedge Antilles)
10. In which of the original trilogy is the name Anakin Skywalker first spoken aloud? (Return of the Jedi)

Round Three – Numbers

11. How many of the 11 Live Action Star Wars Movies have R2-D2 and C-3PO appeared in? (10)
12. In 2012, how much did Disney buy Lucas Film for to the nearest $500m? ($4 billion)
13. What year did A New Hope premier in theatres? (1977)
14. What is the unit number of one of the stormtroopers that Luke and Han steal the uniform from in A New Hope? Hint: It is a reference to another George Lucas film. (1138 (A reference to THX-1138))
15. How many limbs has Obi-Wan Kenobi severed in the movies? (Darth Maul counts as 2) (9)
– 3 with Anakin,
– 2 with General Grevious
– 1 in a bar in episode 4
– 1 in a bar in episode 2
– 2 from Darth Maul.

Round Four – Prequel Trilogy

16. In Episode I The Phantom Menace who is Anakin’s Pod-Racing rival? (Sebulba)
17. In Episode III Revenge of the Sith there were two concurrent lightsaber duels. One between Yoda & Palpatine and one between Obi Wan & who? (Anakin Skywalker (1 Point), Darth Vader (2 Points))
18. What was Anakin’s mother’s name? (Shimi Skywalker)
19. How many suits of clone trooper armour were made for episode 2 to the nearest 10? (0)
20. In the opera scene in Revenge of the Sith, Emperor Palpatine tells a story about who? (Darth Sidius, Darth Plaguss, Darth Vader, Jar Jar Binks)

Round Five – Actors

21. The late, great Carrie Fisher was briefly married to which chart-topping singer-songwriter in the 80s? (Paul Simon)
22. To date, only one actor has been Oscar Nominated for their performance in a Star Wars movie. Who was it? (Sir Alec Guinness – Best Supporting Actor, A New Hope)
23. In addition to playing Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill is has also found long-running success as the voice of which iconic comic book character? (The Joker)
24. James Earl Jones is known to Star Wars fans for playing the voice of Darth Vader. Which other famous cinematic father figure did he provide the voice for? (Mufasa – The Lion King)
25. In which 1997 action movie did Harrison Ford memorably play the President of the United States? (Air Force One)

Round Six – Sequel Trilogy

26. What dead character tells Rey, during her vision in the Force Awakens, that these are her “first steps”? (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
27. What is the first line in the sequel trilogy? Bonus point for who said it. (“This will begin to make things right.” – Lor San Tekka)
28. Which film in the sequel trilogy has the worst score on Rotten Tomatoes? (The Rise of Skywalker has 52%, TLJ 91%, TFA 93%)
29. During the filming of The Force Awakens, Harrison Ford broke his ankle doing what? (Rolling under a closing door.)
30. The island of Ahch-To harboured Luke Skywalker as he hid from the rest of the galaxy. Which country is the island this was shot? (Ireland)

Round Seven – Spinoffs

31. Which TV and stage actress played the singing landlady of the Mos Eisley Cantina in the Star Wars Holiday Special? (Bea Arthur)
32. Caravan of Courage was the first of two TV movies focusing on the adventures of which Star Wars side characters? (The Ewoks)
33. The animated feature ’The Clone Wars’ takes place in the period between which two live action Star Wars movies? (2 points available) (Attack of The Clones / Revenge of the Sith)
34. Baby Yoda (or the child) shows us a new thing that the force can do which appears in later movies. What is it? (Force Healing)
35. What do Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and Agents of SHIELD all have in common with a Star Wars spinoff? (They all share an actor with The Mandalorian)

Round Eight – Quotes

36. “It’s A Trap!” (Admiral Akbar)
37. “Many Bothans died to bring us this information…” (Mon Mothma)
38. “I can take you in warm, or I can take you in cold.” (The Mandalorian)
39. “I don’t like _______. It’s course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere” (Sand)
40. “Luke, I Am Your Father” (Trick Question – Nobody)

Name the Space Ship

A. X-Wing
B. Droid Control Ship
C. Tie fighter
D. Star Destroyer
E. Supremacy or Mega Class Star Dreadnaught

Name the Species

F. Gungan
G. Wampa
H. Jawa
I. Porg
J. Twi’lek


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