About Us

What is Beyond the Box Set?

Beyond The Box Set is a movie podcast with a difference. Every week Harry and John take a standalone movie and compete to pitch the most ridiculous, sacrilegious and potentially unfilmable sequels, reboots and remakes we can imagine. Titanic as a Stoner comedy starring James Franco and Jonah Hill? Gladiator: The Musical? Inside Out crossed over with Inception? The Sound of Music was actually the original Eurovision Song Contest? These are just some of the franchise extensions that nobody asked for and nobody in their right mind would ever commission…

Who is Harry?

Harry is a website developer by day, and unfortunately a website developer by night too… He’s writing this at 2am. So this website you’re looking at, it’s great right? Harry’s not needy, but he needs you to tell him it’s great. If you say anything else then… then… I don’t know. Don’t expect me to be creative at 2am! Also this writing in the 3rd person thing is stupid. This was a bad idea.

If he was stranded on a remote desert island that could somehow support a home cinema system, the three movies he would bring along would be Castaway, Apollo 13, and whatever other film Tom Hanks gets stranded somewhere.

Who is John?

John is a content marketing professional and freelance journalist. He is painfully aware that the former makes him the kind of person Bill Hicks used to write acerbic standup routines about, and the latter is the job title unemployed people put in their Twitter handle because they once got an unpaid listicle about the 7 best Ariana Grande GIFs of 2016 published on Buzzfeed.

If he was stranded on a remote desert island that could somehow support a home cinema system, the three movies he would bring along would be Muriel’s Wedding, The Little Mermaid and Far From Heaven.

Contact Beyond the Box Set…

Think you can do better than us? Send in your best sequel, reboot or remake ideas for the movies we feature on this podcast, and we might just give you a shout-out on a future episode.

You can email us at beyondtheboxset@gmail.com

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