Quiz: Game of Thrones

This quiz was played on Sunday 26th May 2019.

The high and low scores were 43 and 12 out of a possible 50 points.

Round One – Starks

1. What are King Robert Baratheon’s first words to Ned Stark in Episode One
2. Jon Snow is introduced as the bastard son of Ned Stark. How are they actually related?
3. What is the name of Arya Stark’s sword?
4. Who was Sansa Stark’s first husband?
5. Who is the first Stark to be proclaimed as King, or Queen, in the North?

Round Two – Name the characters by their nicknames, or vice versa

6. The Hound
7. Cold Hands
8. The Blackfish
9. Torgo Nudho
10. Petyr Baelish

Round Three – Villains

11. Cersei Lannister is known to have slept with at least two close blood relatives. One was her brother Jaimie. Who was the second?
12. What is the name of the religious cult led by the High Sparrow?
13. What nickname does Ramsey Bolton give to Theon Greyjoy after castrating him and breaking his spirit?
14. What is Petyr Baelish’s position on the small council of King Robert, and later Joffrey Baratheon?
15. What highly explosive substance does Cersei Lannister use to blow up the Sept of Baelor?

Round Four – Who Killed These Characters?

16. Joffrey Baratheon
17. Rob Stark
18. Stannis Baratheon
19. Tywin Lannister
20. Walder Frey

Round Five – Name the Character by Cause of Death

21. Head was crushed in a trial by combat
22. Had liquid gold poured on their head
23. A Kiss from a sand snake
24. Eaten by their own hounds
25. Stabbed in the stomach while preggers

Round Six – Quotes

26. “Any man who must say, ‘I am the king,’ is no true king.”
27. “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.”
28. “Can we stop talking about the fucking dragons?”
29. “I was nothing at all. And when you’re nothing at all, there’s no reason to be afraid.”
30. “It’s not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it, if it were easy.”

Round Seven – House Mottos

31. Winter is Coming
32. Family, Duty, Honor
33. Ours Is The Fury
34. We do not sow
35. Growing Strong

Round Eight – Magic, Dragons and Direwolves

36. Name all the dead dire wolves. Bonus point if you can do so in the on screen order.
37. Where did Danerys get her dragon eggs?
38. Who was Melisadre with when she gave birth to a shadow monster?
39. Who created the white walkers? (The Children of the Forest)
40. What unobtainable animal did Cersei believe would defend King’s Landing for her?

Are you sure? The answers to ALL questions will be displayed below.

Round One – Starks

1. What are King Robert Baratheon’s first words to Ned Stark in Episode One (”You’ve got fat”.)
2. Jon Snow is introduced as the bastard son of Ned Stark. How are they actually related? (Uncle/Nephew)
3. What is the name of Arya Stark’s sword? (Needle)
4. Who was Sansa Stark’s first husband? (Tyrion Lannister)
5. Who is the first Stark to be proclaimed as King, or Queen, in the North? (Robb)

Round Two – Name the characters by their nicknames, or vice versa

6. The Hound (Sandor Clegane)
7. Cold Hands (Benjen Stark)
8. The Blackfish (Brynden Tully)
9. Torgo Nudho (Greyworm)
10. Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger)

Round Three – Villains

11. Cersei Lannister is known to have slept with at least two close blood relatives. One was her brother Jaimie. Who was the second? (Lancel – Her Cousin)
12. What is the name of the religious cult led by the High Sparrow? (Faith Militant or Faith of the Seven)
13. What nickname does Ramsey Bolton give to Theon Greyjoy after castrating him and breaking his spirit? (Reek)
14. What is Petyr Baelish’s position on the small council of King Robert, and later Joffrey Baratheon? (Master of Coin)
15. What highly explosive substance does Cersei Lannister use to blow up the Sept of Baelor? (Wildfire)

Round Four – Who Killed These Characters?

16. Joffrey Baratheon (Olenna Tyrell)
17. Rob Stark (Roose Bolton)
18. Stannis Baratheon (Brienne of Tarth)
19. Tywin Lannister (Tyrion Lannister)
20. Walder Frey (Arya Stark)

Round Five – Name the Character by Cause of Death

21. Head was crushed in a trial by combat (Oberyn Martell)
22. Had liquid gold poured on their head (Viserys Targaryen)
23. A Kiss from a sand snake (Myrcella Baratheon (Lannister))
24. Eaten by their own hounds (Ramsay Bolton)
25. Stabbed in the stomach while preggers (Talisa Stark)

Round Six – Quotes

26. “Any man who must say, ‘I am the king,’ is no true king.” (Tywin Lannister)
27. “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” (Ned Stark)
28. “Can we stop talking about the fucking dragons?” (Bronn)
29. “I was nothing at all. And when you’re nothing at all, there’s no reason to be afraid.” (Samwell Tarly)
30. “It’s not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it, if it were easy.” (Tyrion)

Round Seven – House Mottos

31. Winter is Coming (Stark)
32. Family, Duty, Honor (Tully)
33. Ours Is The Fury (Baratheon)
34. We do not sow (Greyjoy)
35. Growing Strong (Tyrell)

Round Eight – Magic, Dragons and Direwolves

36. Name all the dead dire wolves. Bonus point if you can do so in the on screen order. (Lady, Grey Wind, Shaggydog, Summer)
37. Where did Danerys get her dragon eggs? (A Wedding Gift)
38. Who was Melisadre with when she gave birth to a shadow monster? (Sir Davos Seaworth)
39. Who created the white walkers? (The Children of the Forest)
40. What unobtainable animal did Cersei believe would defend King’s Landing for her? (Elephants)

Name the Character

A. Rickon Stark
B. Hot Pie
C. Lysa Arryn
D. Shae
E. Jaqen H’Ghar

Name the House

F. Bolton
G. Martel
H. Tyrell
I. Baratheon
J. Lannister

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