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Back in the mid-nineties, the Spice Girls were everywhere. In the space of less than two years, they became one of the biggest-selling girl groups of all time, selling tens of millions of records and topping the charts all over the world. In 1997, the world hit peak Spice Mania with the release of a feature length movie, rush-recorded to promote the group’s upcoming second album Spice World.
As part of our Sing Your Way To An Oscar mini-season, we decided to revisit the film and examine how it holds up two decades on. A quintessential child of the nineties, John was and remains a huge Spice Girls fan – having seen them live, bought all their records and queued up to watch Spice World in the cinema. Harry’s memory of the group is… less enthusiastic.
Can we bridge the pop culture gap and find common ground over this absurd nineties time capsule? Tune into this week’s episode to hear our thoughts on Spice World’s unsung absurdist qualities, the best and worst celebrity cameos, why Posh Spice is the clear MVP of this movie and much more…
Sadly, a 2018 sequel to this movie would have to reckon with a world in which Spice mania isn’t quite as pronounced as it was twenty years ago, but whether it’s a cinematic universe of bizarre solo projects or an action-comedy with a Westworld style twist, we’ve got some ideas that just might be workable. Let us know your thoughts on what you’d like to see from a Spice World sequel in the comments section below, or by getting in touch with us on Facebook or Twitter.
You can listen to this week’s episode using the links at the top of this blog post, or by searching for Beyond The Box Set on your podcatcher of choice. If you enjoy the show please do consider subscribing and/or leaving us a review – it really helps us to find new listeners. You can also access a whole raft of exciting bonus content on our Patreon page, including exclusive movie reviews and the opportunity to pick a movie for us to cover on a future episode…
Next week, we’ll be looking at a passion project from one of the most successful showbusiness all-rounders of the past six decades. It’s a story of forbidden love, religious faith and a huge amount of soft-focus lighting. Find out more next Friday… until then, thanks for listening and keep Spicing up your lives!