1. In what US city is most of the show set? 2. What is the name of the writer, director and creator of Breaking Bad? 3. Before being cast as Walter White, Bryan Cranston worked with the show’s creators on which hit 90s sci-fi show? 4. On what US television network did the show originally air? 5. True or false: Walter White is the only character to appear in every episode of the show?
Round Two – Walter White
6. What form of cancer is Walt diagnosed with in the first episode? 7. What is the name of the company Walter White co-founded with his friends Elliot & Gretchen, selling his shares shortly before the business made a fortune? 8. To whom does Walt deliver his immortal line “I am the one who knocks” 9. What is the name of the first person Walt directly murders? 10. What are Walt’s final words in the last episode?
Round Three – Jesse Pinkman
11. Before teaming up with Walter White, what was Jesse’s drug dealing nickname? 12. Who is the first character Jesse directly murders on the show? 13. Where does Jesse meet his second major love interest, Andrea? 14. In season 1, Walt gives Jesse $7,000 to buy an RV for their drug lab. Where does he actually spend most of the money? 15. How many times does Jesse say the word ‘Bitch’ in the entire series? A – 54 times B – 154 times C – 254 times
Round Four – Friends & Family
16. What disability does Walter Jr suffer from? 17. What is the name of Walt & Skyler’s baby daughter? 18. What nerdy hobby does Hank take up in Season 4 while recovering from his gunshot wounds? 19. What is Marie’s favourite colour? 20. Which famous actress does Skyler impersonate while singing Happy Birthday to her boss?
Round Five – Villains
21. What was the name of the villain who killed Hank Shrader? 22. What weapon was used by the Salamanca Twins? 23. What musical instrument does Hector Salamanca use to communicate 24. What is Tuco’s relationship to Hector Salamanca? 25. We first meet Todd when Walt and Jessie need a fake pest control company for a front to their latest scheme. What was that company called?
Round Six – Deaths
26. What is the name of the drug Walt uses to poison Lydia Rodarte-Quayle? 27. What method does Jesse attempt to use to dispose of the bodies of the first two characters they kill in the show? 28. How does Jesse’s first serious girlfriend on the show die? 29. The same character’s death later indirectly causes what tragic accident? 30. How does Jesse kill Todd
Round Seven – Spin Offs & Actors
31. The first trailer for El Camino showed which character being interrogated? 32. In the show Better Call Saul, we see Saul give himself the nickname Saul Good Man, but what was his actual nickname at the time? 33. Aaron Paul after finishing breaking bad went on to do a film based off a game series, fan theories claim this film is a sequel to Breaking Bad. Name the film. 34. Before settling on Saul being the character to do a spinoff show for, which other character was considered in his place? 35. True or False: Jesse was only planned to be a series regular for the first season.
Round Eight – Quotes
36. Who was this directed at? “We tried to poison you. We tried to poison you because you’re an insane, degenerate piece of filth, and you deserve to die.” 37. “Some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, age what, 60? He’s just gonna break bad?” 38. ‘I WILL KILL YOUR WIFE, I WILL KILL YOUR SON, I WILL KILL YOUR INFANT DAUGHTER.’ 39. ‘SHUT THE F— UP AND LET ME DIE IN PEACE.’ 40. “YOU ADD A PLUS DOUCHEBAG TO A MINUS DOUCHEBAG AND YOU GET, LIKE, ZERO DOUCHEBAGS.”
Are you sure? The answers to ALL questions will be displayed below.
Round One – General Knowledge
1. In what US city is most of the show set? (Albuquerque)
2. What is the name of the writer, director and creator of Breaking Bad? (Vince Gilligan)
3. Before being cast as Walter White, Bryan Cranston worked with the show’s creators on which hit 90s sci-fi show? (The X Files)
4. On what US television network did the show originally air? (AMC)
5. True or false: Walter White is the only character to appear in every episode of the show? (False: So does Jesse)
Round Two – Walter White
6. What form of cancer is Walt diagnosed with in the first episode? (Lung)
7. What is the name of the company Walter White co-founded with his friends Elliot & Gretchen, selling his shares shortly before the business made a fortune? (Grey Matters)
8. To whom does Walt deliver his immortal line “I am the one who knocks” (Skyler)
9. What is the name of the first person Walt directly murders? (Krazy 8)
10. What are Walt’s final words in the last episode? (“Well, Goodbye Lydia”)
Round Three – Jesse Pinkman
11. Before teaming up with Walter White, what was Jesse’s drug dealing nickname? (Cap’n Cook)
12. Who is the first character Jesse directly murders on the show? (Gale)
13. Where does Jesse meet his second major love interest, Andrea? (Narcotics Anonymous)
14. In season 1, Walt gives Jesse $7,000 to buy an RV for their drug lab. Where does he actually spend most of the money? (At a Strip Club)
15. How many times does Jesse say the word ‘Bitch’ in the entire series? A – 54 times
B – 154 times
C – 254 times
Round Four – Friends & Family
16. What disability does Walter Jr suffer from? (Cerebral Palsy)
17. What is the name of Walt & Skyler’s baby daughter? (Holly)
18. What nerdy hobby does Hank take up in Season 4 while recovering from his gunshot wounds? (Mineral collecting)
19. What is Marie’s favourite colour? (Purple)
20. Which famous actress does Skyler impersonate while singing Happy Birthday to her boss? (Marilyn Monroe)
Round Five – Villains
21. What was the name of the villain who killed Hank Shrader? (Jack Welker)
22. What weapon was used by the Salamanca Twins? (Axe)
23. What musical instrument does Hector Salamanca use to communicate (A bell)
24. What is Tuco’s relationship to Hector Salamanca? (Nephew)
25. We first meet Todd when Walt and Jessie need a fake pest control company for a front to their latest scheme. What was that company called? (Vamonos Pest)
Round Six – Deaths
26. What is the name of the drug Walt uses to poison Lydia Rodarte-Quayle? (Ricin)
27. What method does Jesse attempt to use to dispose of the bodies of the first two characters they kill in the show? (Dissolve in acid)
28. How does Jesse’s first serious girlfriend on the show die? (Chokes on her own vomit)
29. The same character’s death later indirectly causes what tragic accident? (Plane crash)
30. How does Jesse kill Todd (Strangles him)
Round Seven – Spin Offs & Actors
31. The first trailer for El Camino showed which character being interrogated? (Skinny Pete)
32. In the show Better Call Saul, we see Saul give himself the nickname Saul Good Man, but what was his actual nickname at the time? (Slippin’ Jimmy)
33. Aaron Paul after finishing breaking bad went on to do a film based off a game series, fan theories claim this film is a sequel to Breaking Bad. Name the film. (Need for Speed)
34. Before settling on Saul being the character to do a spinoff show for, which other character was considered in his place? (Jesse Pinkman)
35. True or False: Jesse was only planned to be a series regular for the first season. (True)
Round Eight – Quotes
36. Who was this directed at? “We tried to poison you. We tried to poison you because you’re an insane, degenerate piece of filth, and you deserve to die.” (Tuco)
37. “Some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, age what, 60? He’s just gonna break bad?” (Jesse)
Picture Round One – Name That Supporting Character
A. Skinny Pete
B. Huell
C. Tuco Salamanca
D. Todd Alquist
E. Jane Margolis
Picture Round Two – Name the TV or Movie starring Bryan Cranston
F. Malcolm In The Middle
G. Power Rangers
H. Isle of Dogs
I. Trumbo
J. Kung Fu Panda
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